Art & Worship
Visual Worship Services | Art Together | Art & Spiritual Retreat | Art Tent Gallery
ART TENT : The first mention of art in the Bible is in Exodus 31. God is instructing Moses to create a Tent for the ark of the covenant, and God mentions several artisans whom He has chosen to create “artistic designs” to beautify the tent. God says, “In the hearts of all who are skillful I have put skill.” We know that God is the source of all creation and all artistic talents. He is the Greatest artist whose hands and voices create beauty. Tent is also represented as the dwelling place of God's presence. We believed when we create beautiful things, and our skill in doing so is from Him and it is to glorify and connect to our Abba and His love.
LIFE : The Greek word translated as life in John 1:4 is zoe (ζωή) : “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” 'Zoe' refers to the eternal life of God, the divine life uniquely possessed by God.
What does Art Tent Life means?
Visual Worship
Sunday Art worship service at FCC honolulu in Makiki. On going Faith based narrative mural project started in 2023, mural art residency till 2024. #PaintedChurchHonolulu
Art & Spiritual Retreat
Artisan Souls gather to worship in different art forms, we paint, sing, write out our uncensored, honest prayers. Welcome artists and non-artists, and everyone in between! We share life and revelation in God together.
*Monthly gathering Coming soon...*
Art Together
People come together to celebrate the beauty in creation and creativity. We offer innovative opportunities to grow closer to Jesus through creative collaboration. We encourage individuals to develop their God-given creativity and grow artistically and spiritually in the community.
Art Tent Gallery
Art Tent's Online Gallery showcases Art Works along with testimonies and revelation of Abba's love and our transformation in Christ. We encourage and equip one another in the Lord.
* Coming Soon...