Founder of Art Tent Studio
Ms. Zoe was born in Hong Kong and completed Bachelor of Fine Art Degree at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. During her time studying, Zoe won the Outstanding Undergraduate Awards in Drawing and Digital Imaging. Along with her teaching, Zoe has exhibited her work at a number of international exhibitions including in Hawaiʻi, Chicago, Portland, Las Vegas, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong. She got invited to paint a Hong Kong’s theme mural at Sweet Spot in Atlanta in 2018. And her collection “Let them be Kids” had accepted and auctioned at Ravenel, Taipei in Dec 2018.
Artist Page: zoeliu.com
Artist Statement
I believe children are natural artists who are inherently curious, creative and capable of constructing their own understanding of the world through imaginative experiences and expressions in visual, verbal, written and varied forms. My role as a teaching artist is to create a safe environment to support students discover their creativity and their natural talents through fun and meaningful exploration. I like to create lessons that are able to balance science, facts, imagination and creativity. My teaching goal is to help each student feel valued and become a more well-rounded artist and individual.
Teaching Experience
Artistic Teaching Partners. Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Art. Hawaii.— 2021- current
Art Specialist. Montessori Community School. Honolulu, Hawaii. — 2021
Design and teach weekly thematic visual art classes. Drawing and painting classes for Grade1-Grade6 students.
Teaching Artist. Art Bento. Hawaii State Art Museum. Honolulu, Hawaii. — 2020- current
Utilize Visual Thinking Strategy to help learners actively engage with the art collection at Hawaii State Art Museum. Create art projects to enrich students' engagement and connections in responding to art.
Founder of Art Tent Studio. Honolulu, Hawaii. — 2020- current
Virtual private classes offered in 2020-2021. Art Tent Studio in person classes started in Dec, 2021.
Design, and teach thematic art camps and weekly art classes. Drawing, painting, 3d exploration, digital art classes and art&tech exploration STEM lessons for students age 6-18.
Art Teacher. Lanakila Elementary School. Honolulu, Hawaii. — 2020-2021
Design and teach thematic weekly virtual art classes for Grade 3-5 students.
Art Director and Art Teacher, Oahu Art and Tech— 2019-2020
Set up and maintained an artistic environment focused on building connections in visual art programs and art and tech integration programs. Designed and presented lessons aimed to actively engage learners and inspire creative expression while maintaining artistic methodologies. Designed and employed thematic lesson plans with age-appropriate materials focusing on artistic elements as well as art and tech integration projects. Organize community art and tech events and install student showcases. Designed communication and marketing materials for events. Designed website and maintained content. Used social media for the promotion of site content.
Teaching Artist, VAIP and Art Seed Program, Outreach Department.
Honolulu Museum of Art School — 2017-2020
Collaborate with science teachers and scientists to give students the opportunity to engage in an extended learning experience that integrates art and science within a real-world context. Guide students to use a field journal as a versatile tool for gathering data, recording observations during field trips. Teach and lead students to develop visual models of natural phenomena through experiments with varied art medium and art-making techniques. Organize the final exhibition at a school assembly.
Art Instructor, Drawing and Painting Class and Exploring Art Class, Young Artist Program.
Honolulu Museum of Art School — 2016-2020
Drawing and Painting Class (Age 9-12, 13-18): Develop art class curriculum. Teach students art history, drawing, and painting techniques. Guide students to develop aesthetic concepts and appreciations and the ability to make a qualitative critique about art. Lead young artist tour at Honolulu Museum of Art. Organize and install the final exhibition of artwork at the art school gallery.
Exploring art class (Age6-8, 9-12): Develop weekly art class curriculum and teach students to explore various art mediums and techniques, such as ceramic, printmaking, sculpture, and stop-motion animation. Design art projects for parents/child art week. Organize and install the final exhibition of artwork at the art school gallery.
Art Instructor, Arcadia Retirement Residence. — 2018-2020
Develop and teach adult drawing and watercolor sessions. Guide students to develop aesthetic concepts and appreciations and the ability to make a qualitative critique about art. Work closely with individuals to develop a student's own style.
Contract Consultant and Teaching Artist. Wow Summer Camp: Happy Village.
PMQ, Hong Kong. — 2018
Collaborate with architect Kevin Siu (AaaM) and curator of PMQ Taste Library Andy Lai to design and develop a creative summer camp (integration between architecture, art, and food) for over 500+ participants. To guide students to develop their worldview for an ideal happy village through a journey of appreciation, observation, exploration, critical thinking, and co-create.
Program Leader in Visual Art, After-School All-Stars, Jarrett Middle School — 2016-2017
Develop after school art class curriculum for students from 6th grade to 8th grade. Teach students art history and different art techniques. Lead children make art that is related to cultural identity, social study, and environmental issues. Keep children safe and help them achieve their goals in school and in life.
Workshop Art Instructor, Hawaii Chinese Christian Mission Gospel Center. — 2014-2020
Develop and teach adults art jam sessions and children art camp for learners from 1st grade to 6th grade during spring break, summer break, and winter break. Incorporated storytelling with creative art projects.
Teacher Assistant. Reem Bassous. Art 113: Beginning Drawing. The University of Hawaii at Manoa. Honolulu, Hawaii.— 2016-2017
Assist Professor Reem Bassous and students in classroom activities. Responsible for setting up equipment for class, such as still life and visual aids for lessons.
Teacher Assistant. Reem Bassous. CA 100:Survey of Graphic Styles and CA 123: Color Theory and Issues. Honolulu Community College, Department of Communication Arts. Honolulu, Hawaii.— 2016-2017
Assist Professor Reem Bassous and students in classroom activities, such as reinforce learning, supervising students, providing assistance, and extra support where needed.
Related Experience
2022 Judge, 59th Annual Hawai‘i Regional Scholastic Art Awards, Drawing and Painting Category, Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, Hawaii.
2022 Juror, BGCA National Arts Contest , Catlin School Age Center, Hawaii.
2021 Juror, My Culture, My Family, and Me, Young Artists of Hawai‘i Art Exhibition,Honolulu, Hawaii. Link. (Catalog)
2019 Docent, Honolulu Biennial, Honolulu, Hawaii.
2018 Art teaching Consultant. Wow Summer Camp: Happy Village. PMQ, Hong Kong.
2021 李澧榆: 透過作品反思教育體制與生命成長, Sing Pao Share Culture成報藝文 , March 20, 2021. Print (Link)
2021 INSPIRE ME GIFTS FOR HIM, Affordable Art Fair, January 4, 2021. Web (Link)
2019 【李澧榆:希望在黑暗的時代給孩子盼望】, 港味, November 6, 2019. Web
2019「第三届新藝潮博覽會」巡禮, Siyuefeng, November 5, 2019. Web (Link)
2019 粉絲大飽眼福, Sing Tao Daily, July 11, 2019. Print (Link)
2018【藝術教育】孩子社區實地考察 共同建構快樂村莊, Champimom, September 5, 2018. Web (Link)
2018 夏日營玩轉創意 設計快樂村, HKNET, August 23, 2018. Print (Link)
2018【小創夢家】興建「快樂村」體驗4天創意營彌補教育不足, Sunday Kiss, August 23, 2018. Web (Link)
2018 跨界創意活動,建村戶外考察,激發想像潛能 , Ming Pao Daily News, August 21, 2018. (Print 1) (Print 2)
2018 新藝潮博覽會, 東週刊, August 20, 2018. Print
2018【創新教育】夏令營集建築、藝術、食物元素 盼彌補教育制度缺, HK01, July 18, 2018. Web (Link)
2018 藝術三月Art Basel前先開房 藝術家以菠蘿包諷填鴨式教育, HK01, March 1, 2018. Web (Link)
2018 12th Asia Contemporary Art Show Opens March 23rd Hong Kong, Ran Dian, January 28, 2018, Web (Link)
2018 See Art And Meet Artist From Around The World At The 12th Asia Contemporary Art Show, Press Release. asiacontemporaryart.com, January 23, 2018. Web (Link in Chinese) (Link in English)
2017 水墨艺博2017隆重开幕, 张雄艺术网, China, December 19, 2017. Web
2017 Art Next Expo, Sing Pao Daily News, Hong Kong, October 9, 2017. Print (Web Link)
2017 ArtNext: Emerging Hong Kong artists showcase work, Al Jazeera English, Oct 9, 2017. Web (Link)
2017 2016 Taking Art Out of the Studios, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Art and Art History, Web (Link)
Public Presentations
2020 Artist Talk. Pau Hana talk with Cody Anderson. Hawaii State Art Museum. Zoom.July 8
2019 Artist Talk. ART405: Professional Practice in the Arts. University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Honolulu, Hawaii. Nov 26
2019 Guest Speaker. “Career Day: Teaching Artist and Fine Art Artist”. Hokulani Elementary School. Honolulu. Mar 6
2018 Guest Speaker. “Creative Education Beyond the Classroom” Sharing Session. PMQ, Hong Kong. August 19
2017 Artist Talk. ART405: Professional Practice in the Arts. University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Honolulu, Hawaii. Oct 26
Artist Talk. Camp Hokulea. Kaneohe, Hawaii. July 25
2016 Artist Talk. ART113: Beginning Drawing. University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Honolulu, Hawaii. March 4
2015 Artist Talk. Island Pacific Academy, Kapolei, Hawaii, September 21
2014 Artist Talk. ART101. University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Honolulu, Hawaii. December 9